
The English language has many words that are swollen with meaning. And the word "breach" is one of them that strikes terror in my heart every time I hear it. Picture're sitting in a darkened theater. The music pounds ominously. The actors are just barely safe on the other side of the retaining wall. And then....all of a sudden...someone says the words that send shivers up your spine, letting you know that all may be lost: " We have a breach !!" A breach is never good. Usually cities are flooded. Aliens come pouring in, or worse, the Titanic sinks. Just take a look at the word's definition: BREACH –noun 1. the act or a result of breaking; break or rupture. 2. an infraction or violation, as of a law, trust, faith, or promise. 3. a gap made in a wall, fortification, line of soldiers, etc.; rift; fissure. 4. a severance of friendly relations. 5. Obsolete. wound. Do you see what I'm saying? Really...look at all these terribly...