Sacred Community

Whatever you may call it, and however it may look to you, I believe that a sacred community is vital to making it through this life. In fact, for me it's crucial to my very existence. Spending quality time with my sacred community restores my spirit like a nice Venti Passion Tea from Starbucks quenches my thirst on a hot summer day. I think we all understand the word community. I would define it as the people with whom I surround myself with. This can vary from your work place, your church, your running team (Go, Team Run Your Race !), or a group of young moms. However, when you add in the word, "sacred," something changes. It kicks things up to another level. And, just so you know, I'm using the " regarded with reverence" definition of sacred. I'm sure we've all experienced this notion of sacred community. Maybe you've sat down with a co-worker in the lunch room sharing about your favorite vacation spots, when all of a sudden, you...