The Nitty Gritty

It's pretty gritty. Grimy. Filthy, even. It's my silverware drawer. The crazy thing is that I have opened up this drawer about 20 times per day for literally months without seeing what was literally right in front of me. I told you it was nasty. I'm embarrased that it took me one second of full clarity to see what I've allowed to happen in grounds abound, crumbs that have fallen in from the counter above, and let's be honest...who knows what else lurked in there. Our eyes lie...even if we have 20/20 vision. And actually, it's maybe not our eyes that lie, but our brain that does. I'm not sure if it tries to protect us and potentially shield us from becoming overwhelmed by so much that needs attention and adjusting. After all, seeing each and everything in all its state of gory (or glory) could be too much for a small human brain to take. I don't know how or why it happens, but it does. That's why I could take out (and ...