Easy Instant Pancakes

Pinterest has struck again! I know that it's easy to get sucked into browsing and repinning -- only to realize an hour has gone by. However, tonight I redeemed some of that time. I actually put one of the pins into practice. Tonight was a rough dinner night. My plans to roast a lovely pork tenderloin in the oven fell apart when I realized that my intention to clean the oven earlier in the day was never fulfilled. I had an oven full of sprayed on oven cleaner and no amount of scrubbing and wiping down could make it stop smelling like chemical. Opting not to subject my family to chemi-loin, I went to my clutch dinner option -- pancakes! While I was whipping up a batch of from scratch pancake batter (courtesy of my friend, Deborah), I realized -- "hey, since I'm taking the time to make this stuff from scratch, I should utilize the time and make a DOUBLE batch for breakfast this week." And I knew I could not only do that, but store it in a convenient and eas...