The Struggle to Find Christmas

The presents have been opened and played with. Some have been broken already and others are slated for return. The ham has been devoured. The button up pants have been replaced with drawstring "comfy" pants with extra room. The family is drowsy on the couch watching a movie. We are all sated with the afterglow of Christmas. I don't know why I doubted that I would get here -- to contentment and joy. This week was not good for me. While in my soul I knew "the reason for the season" and I fervently believe in letting "every heart prepare Him room," I honestly struggled to feel it my heart and mind. Last Friday was the worst. I found myself banging pots and pans around and being generally grumpy with my children and my husband. No one could do anything right. I couldn't do anything right. Everything everyone did annoyed me. The entire "Duck Dynasty" Phil Robertson debacle reallly annoyed me. And I didn't know why. ...