Ticket to Ride: The Roller Coaster of Faith

The trust saga continues. I have been raving for two years now about the amazingness of Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts . I read it with my book club over several months and I thought that its message of gratitude and finding the joy in the ugly beautiful had oozed into every pore of my dry little heart. I thought wrong. It only took a revisit to the topic in our weekly Bible Study (this time with the video series along with the book), a roller coaster ride through a tumultuous situation, and a revealing text conversation with one of my kindreds, Sarah, to shine the light on my ignorance. I would like to think that I "live what I believe." Yes...I would love to think that. But what I have come to see in the last two weeks is that it's much easier to spout off a philosophy than to actually live it out. When push comes to shove, or that roller coaster screams through the station and goes around for yet another lap, I am finding what I truly bel...