Dream Saga Series: In the Fullness of Time

Timing is everything. That phrase is something I've heard my entire life and after the last few months, I firmly believe it. For those who are following along with our journey to our "new, old farmhouse," it's been quite the ride, which you can read about here . This last week or so has been a flurry of getting keys, driving out to the farmhouse from my parent's house (about 1/2 hour each way) and dropping off things, ripping out carpet and finding beautiful hardwood floors... Our buried treasure under old carpet (some 70+ years!) ...which then required hours of pulling up carpet, levering up tack board and approximately 1000 carpet staples, and then yesterday, my husband used a drum sander on about 3/4 of the 1200 sq. ft. of flooring we have to do. What was in the closet...so we had an inkling of what could be. Before we can refinish, we had to pull up lots of tack strip and staples. Lots. The machine Rylie was attached to ...