The Next Room

Days like these, I wish I had been smart enough when my kids were smaller to buy one of those oversized rulers above that crafty people make out of reclaimed wood. I wish I would have plunked down the money and ordered one or made one and recorded the progress of my sweet babies growing. I wish I could have brought that thing with me and found a home for it in our new old farmhouse. At the very least, I wish I would have thought to snap a photo of the small piece of wall that served as a measuring post in our former house. Mostly I wish that time would freeze and let me catch my breath for a second. This growing up stuff is wrecking havoc on the emotional well-being of this momma. Tonight I watched my eldest daughter transform from a child to a full-fledged babysitter. It was bound to happen someday. I just can't believe someday It happened as nonchalantly as the tule fog has been rolling in lately to surround our farmhouse. I was chatting wi...